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Previous Work and Projects 

This element of my portfolio highlights some of the skills learned from the MAED program throughout my time at Michigan State. The work that I have put in and projects completed all helped to shape and understand my teaching philosophy and the way I seek to instruct others. The topics pf technology, safety for athletes, positive youth development, and psychological basis of sport were incorporated into the program. Each topic extended my knowledge of caohing and how to apply these tactics on a daily basis.  Below are just a few examples of work completed that highlight some of these skills and concepts. 


This first element of work that I am including on this blog is a look at the way technology has changed the way I see education, and the way that it impacts young people's instruction today. This is a reflection assignment written for the ED 800 Course called Concepts of Educational Inquiry.  This course taught me the importance of understanding inquiry and the different ways young people learn. These concepts will be incorporated into my teaching in order to best serve different types of learners.

Business Meeting

The concept of Educational Inquiry as applied to learning

Safety For Athletes

Another aspect of education in sport that this program has introduced me to, is the breakdown of injury as well as injury prevention for young athletes. As a sport instructor it is essential to know how to create an environment that is safe for the young people to grow and learn safely. Creating a safe environment that fosters growth for each and every kid is very important to me. Each practice or training session will be designed in a way that promotes learning through positive experience. To the left are two documents one highlighting my skills regarding how to access and break down a sport injury and another explaining why such an injury might occur. 

Kids Playing Soccer

Injury in the sport of volleyball 

Prevalence of ACL tears in volleyball 

Positive Experience Through Sport

The MAED program has illustrated many different ways to promote positive youth development through a multitude of concepts and ideas. Sports can provide young athletes with experiences and friendships that they otherwise might not find in everyday activities. Below I have included a few projects that illustrate my philosophy on creating a positive experience for young kids through sport. One of which is a reflection on a book titled Inside Out Coaching written by Joe Ehrmann referencing how to be a positive coach and role model. This book helped me to understand the importance of having a growth mindset as a coach and how to spread this mindset to your players. The second link illustrates some work conducted in KIN 857 discussing the developmental assets that can be used to promote positive youth development. The final link below reflects on the ability of a coach to control the environment using a positive constraints led approach to coaching. A primary goal of mine is to create a safe effective environment for these young athletes after learning of the importance through this course. 

Inside Out Coaching Reflection and Application

Promoting Positive Youth Development

Constraints Led Approach to Coaching

Kids Running
Happy Kids Huddle

Psychological Aspect in Sport

The MAED program has altered my view on the psychological aspect of coaching as well. Having an undergrad in psychology allowed me a good amount of background knowledge on this subject, however this program, specifically KIN 855, helped add to my coaching methods in this area. Below are two projects that I completed in this course that highlight a few of the concepts of achievement goal theory and importance of leadership in sport . 

Boys During a Sports Practice

Achievement Goal Theory 

The importance of Leadership in Sport 

All pictures are credit to wix images at

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